Wednesday, May 6, 2009

In one life...

From a journal entry April 8, 2009

"He told me what I wanted, needed, but did not expect, to hear so soon.
After talking on the phone for over an hour, _____ told me he is falling in love with me.
Then his minutes ran out, ending the call.

He is falling in love with me and he told me!!
Should I be scared? Happy? Surprised? Cautious?
I'm feeling all of the above.
'I'm starting to fall in love with you.'

This will run through my mind for a while, I can tell.
No guy has ever told me that! And you know what?
I deserve real love from a man who means what he says
and will love me until the day we die.

This revelation didn't take long, but God, we're operating on your time."


The Single Ladies are talking to good men with good potential...for something greater than just dating, just a fling.

We're done with casual flings and we're growing up. We becoming women, dagnammit! I'm very happy for my girl and I know she's happy for me. In God's perfect will, He is preparing us for men who will give us the world and not think twice.

Because we're worth it. Here's to growing in love!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

what's new?

I have been single for a few months already. It kinda sucks, but the important thing is to focus on work and spiritual growth. At this time, I am developing friendships with two guys the same age. One is in Atlanta, whom I've hung out with a few times. The other is from Cleveland and goes to my church. I wanna be friends with the southern gent but the genuine interest from church guy totally caught me off guard. He's been checking for me since December. I always found him attractive. Never imagined he would give me the time of day.

However, doesn't genuine interest and attraction come when you least expect it?

He adores me and I'm still warming up to him. Church guy wants to change his life and wants me to be a part of it. I'm all for growing a friendship and I know God is still getting me together.

I have the feeling the singleness won't be around much longer.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Do we really need them???

So I was chatting on the phone with my 17-year-old sister about ex-boyfriends and I told her that I'm on good terms with my ex...we talk just about every day (which I see nothing wrong about that). Here's a snippet from our conversation about how women only need men for one thing:

Me: I told my mom that if it wasn't for procreation, we wouldn't need men at all, and she agreed.
Sis: So I learned in my biology class that women don't need men at all. We're on our way to not needing men.
Me: How?
Sis: You can take an egg and change the genetics so it can be just as good as sperm.
Me: LOL What? Stop the madness!
Sis: Yeah, so thanks to genetic manipulation, women can procreate on their own. Suck it!
Me: HAHA!!!

With that being said, if it wasn't for God making men and women sexual beings, hormones and chromosomes, women wouldn't need men at all...we can do just fine without.

As much as we like to hate boys/men, we just can't co-exist without em! Sheesh.