Friday, December 26, 2008

good times.

So...I went out with a guy I've known since I was 18, to the movies to see Cadillac Records and had dinner at Denny's...which was pretty fun and nice. I haven't seen him in three years and we always kept in touch, so I'm single again...why not go out with him?

He looked the same and so did I (nose ring is the only new thing with me). The movie was great and dinner was tasty. This was a good time for us to catch up and see what each person was up to, especially since I'm back in my homestate now.

Ladies, it's perfectly fine to go on dates with guys you keep in touch with over time. When nothing serious happens between you and the other person, and you keep the communication lines open, it's fine to go on a date every once in a while. Going out with this guy was nice for me because I haven't seen him in so long and he called me out of the blue...which surprised me.

At dinner, we talked about God, family, relationships and jobs...of course when you talk about relationships you don't wanna delve too much. I actually teared up when I told him about my last relationship and what my mom told me:

"You always seem to attract guys that are lacking something, thinking you can fill that. You need someone who loves you more than you love them. Someone who is mentally stable like you."

He actually understood me and told me some things that made a lot of sense. The things we both did, good and bad, and the choices we make in the people we date. He's a saved man, wants to go to Theology school, and he's a middle school teacher. I don't really see myself dating him, but I know we'll have a good friendship...

However, how can you honestly and nicely tell a guy that you're not interested? Say they're intelligent alright, but you're not interested. It's hard. Either way it goes, I'm glad we caught up and I'm sure God will send us the people that will complete us.

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